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What is Reiki?

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Reiki is a form of energy healing, with its origins in India and the East dating back many thousands of years to the time before Christ and Buddha. The original name, disciplines and techniques of Reiki were lost due to the traditional method of passing knowledge from generation to generation by word of mouth. It was rediscovered in the 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, who was a Japanese scholar and monk. It was he who began calling it REIKI.

Reiki is a two syllable Japanese word meaning ‘universal life force’, and is represented by two Kanji characters - ’Rei’  and ‘Ki’. Although the proper Japanese pronunciation is RYE-KEY, it has been westernized to RAY-KEY.


Rei Symbol

REI roughly translates to 'Universe' or 'God', present everywhere at the same time. Esoterically, REI means 'Spiritual Consciousness', the omniscient wisdom from God or the Higher Self.

KI is the non physical vitality that gives life to all living things. Many cultures understand and recognize the importance of Ki energy and how it impacts our lives and well-being. It is the energy which circulates through all forms of life, and throughout the entire universe.

Ki Symbol

Reiki does its work by clearing out energetic blockages that may be restricting the flow of life force energy in the Chakras. If the Chakras are blocked, and the energy cannot flow smoothly and freely through them, then we can experience physical ailments or symptoms in the areas of the body that the Chakras govern. There is more information down below if you'd like to go a bit deeper into this.

One thing I feel is important to note here, is Reiki knows no religion. It does know Spirituality though. I truly believe Reiki is healing energy directly from the Divine, much like the gift I believe Jesus had when he turned the tides of His time with His teachings. I haven't fully studied each and every religion, but I've read enough material to see the similarities between them all. I personally have found more growth in my own personal spirituality following the path Reiki laid out in front of me rather than through an organized religion. This may not be true for everyone, though, so no matter your religious belief I honor and respect you.

I also believe Reiki will never cease to exist. No matter how much time passes, there will always be someone that brings it back to the forefront. I am blessed to be just one of thousands in my lifetime that have been led to learn its ways.

It is my intention to share this gift of healing to all that want to experience the peace, serenity and joy Reiki brings to those that are open to it. I hope you can feel my passion to help people throughout your time on my site, and even more if you book a session with me.

The World of Chakras

The word 'Chakra' comes from Sanskrit, and it translates to "wheel" or "disk". We each have 7 major Chakras. They are said to be disk-like in shape, and carry our life force energy throughout our bodies. Each one is believed to govern over the different biological systems of our body. So as the energy flows through each Chakra, it is then distributed to the system that it governs.

When our Chakras are aligned and balanced, the energies flowing through our body are optimal.

We are functioning at our fullest potential.

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